Improve Executive Functioning Skills in All Classrooms
Laminated Guide

Improve Executive Functioning Skills in All Classrooms
Laminated Guide
Nicole Mashock (Author)
Teaching executive functioning skills in schools is vital for academic success, personal growth, and lifelong achievement. These skills, encompassing planning, organization, self-regulation, and problem-solving, are essential for students to excel academically, make sound decisions, and manage emotions effectively. This guide was created to make Executive Functioning doable for teachers in all schools and at all levels.
About the Author
Nicole Mashock has 17 years of experience in public education in which she has enjoyed working as a middle school Business Education Teacher, an instructional technology coach, and a founder and teacher at a 6-12, STEM project based learning charter school where she specialized in literacy-based instruction. Currently, she is a 6-12 Instructional Coach for the Winneconne Community School District located in Wisconsin.
Nicole is an instructional leader who focuses on meeting the diverse needs of all learners. Through professional learning workshops in multiple areas and individual and team coaching, she creates opportunities for others to learn about research based strategies and develop plans to use these practices in the classroom. Nicole has extensive experience in building community and relationships with students, developing student agency in the classroom, differentiation and social emotional learning, standards and target based grading, and literacy practices