Repair Kit for Grading Webinar
Based on Ken O’Connor revised edition of “A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades,” attendees will be examine all 15 Fixes and walk away with a deeper understanding of Fix # 14 in which attendees will receive tools and resources that focus on emphasizing more recent achievement (Reassessment)
Communicating student achievement requires CALM grades - grades that are consistent, accurate, learning-focused and meaningful. To meet those four conditions, educators need to ask several questions.
To what extent am I confident the students in my school or district receive grades that are consistent, accurate, learning-focused and meaningful”
To what extent am I confident that the grades I determine for my students accurately reflect my school/district’s publishing learning goals and performance standards?
To what extent am I confident that what I do in grading is aligned with and contributes to my school/district’s mission, values and goals?
If your answers to these questions are any less than extremely confident, this FREE Webinar is needed for you and your colleagues. Based on Ken O’Connor revised edition of “A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades,” attendees will be examine all 15 Fixes and walk away with a deeper understanding of Fix # 14 in which attendees will receive tools and resources that focus on emphasizing more recent achievement (Reassessment)